Social studies:  History and Geography




Understanding History and Geography

History Studies

Children should be encourage to place events and objects in chronological order and  use terms and phrases relating to the passing of time [for example, before, after, a long time ago, past]. In the course of their studies, Children will develop insight as to why people did things, why events happened, what happened as a result and  compare differences between ways of life at different times. Parents need to guide children with their studies of the past, using a range of sources of information (for example, stories, eye-witness accounts, pictures and photographs, artifacts, historic buildings and visits to museums, galleries and sites).

  History Studies  include:

*  Changes in their own lives and the way of life of their family or others around them
*  The way of life of people in the more distant past who lived in the local area or elsewhere in the United States.
*  The lives of important men, women and children drawn from the history of the U.S. and the world (for example, artists, engineers, explorers, inventors, pioneers, rulers, saints, scientists)

Geography Studies

Children will use their newly learned skills when developing knowledge and understanding of places, patterns and processes, and environmental change.


*  Children should be encouraged to ask geographical questions (for example, What is it like to live in this   place?')
*  Observe and record [for example, identify buildings in the street and complete a chart]
*  Express their own views about people, places and environments.
*  Communicate in different ways [for example, in pictures, speech, writing].
*  Using geographical vocabulary [for example, hill, river, motorway, near, far, north, south]
*  Use fieldwork skills [for example, recording information on a  local area map]
*  Using globes, maps and plans at a range of scales [for example, following a route on a map]
*  Using secondary sources of information [for example, CD-ROMs, pictures, photographs, stories, information texts, videos, artifacts]
*  Making maps and plans [for example, a pictorial map of a place in a story]

*  Identify and describe what places are like [for example, in terms of landscape, jobs, weather]
*  Identify and describe where places are [for example, position on a map, whether they are on a river]
*  Recognize how places have become the way they are and how they are changing [for example, the quality of the environment in a street]
* Recognize how places compare with other places [for example, compare the local area with places elsewhere in the United States]
* Recognize how places are linked to other places in the world [for example, food from other countries].


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